Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Bus Rides

It's five fifty-eight in the morning. The otherwise heavy door swung open in rhythm with my footsteps. I'm out the door; ready to do battle with yet another one of my days.

It was still dark outside; and my heart almost sank when I saw what appeared to be my beloved bus pull away all too quickly from a stand-still. Sixteenth and Broadway in boulder was my stop, and the BX was my bus. Yet as the bus swept by me, I saw the sign. It was the DD; not my splendid BX. The swing in my step returned as I thought to myself, "Ludakris fill the bus like double deeees!"

The spring air is fresh on my mind. It's a brisk morning, but it's still warm. Perfect.

The bus rolled up to the stop. I noticed, as it rolled up, a single set of dual wheels. I've begun to refer to those as "dubs." I'd like to Xzibit Pimp My Ride; which, coincidently, is The Ride. My whip's sayin "Quit playin', please watch your step and get in!"

I'm going to go ahead and say that there is a pretty aweful pre-existing judgement against public transportation. I've decided that I'm fine with it.

Sure, if I had my own car, I'd probably drive it a lot, too. I'm fine with whatever social implications come with patronizing my beloved bus system. If I'm poor, well, that's fine.

The funny thing: I don't ever have to pay for gas. Up yours. Don't even get me started on the insurance money I'm saving. Someday, I'll make a spouse-like person in my life really happy when I don't have to own a car in order to get around.

In your face, automotive world!

I love the bus. It reminds me all too easily about how lonely and crowded life really is; especially when I don't have the guts to strike up a conversation with a complete and total stranger.

Yes, there is a special place in my heart for strangers. It's no cosmic coincidence that the people who ride the bus are the most interesting people ever. It's an honor to call myself one of them.

In your face, automotive world!

I'm sure that someday I'll finally cave and buy my own car. Yet for now, I will save time I'd normally spend stuck in traffic or waiting for a red light to turn green. I'll save insurance money, gas money, and I'll save the environment.

Eat it, geiko. I saved all that money and environment in the time it took me to write this, my first post. So easy a college student understands it.

Intent never makes a sound!


Blogger Bryce Perica said...

I see you are back. Please read my latest post. I used you as an example, a good example of course.

March 19, 2007 at 3:14 PM


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