Sunday, December 9, 2007

I've got facebook, yes I do! I've got facebook, how 'bout.... ...meh, never mind.

Facebook users:


...Quit pointing the fingers. If you have facebook, you're addicted; don't deny the truthiness. I point that proverbial finger at myself with one proverbial hand; while giving the other proverbial finger to "the man" with the other proverbial hand.

You are either a part of a few groups, or you're a part of, like, fifty.
You gripe about all the new changes and applications and such. Wait a minute. Let me do something real quick:

Inbox (3)|

Freak out, man. Freak out.

There's a piece of you that just got really excited. What about this:

  • 4 new notifications

You love it, don't you? How many times have you hit the "home" button? You've begun to follow your wall conversations with such precision that you've begun to associate the amount of communication with whether or not someone actually likes you…

...wait a minute. That just doesn't sound true, does it?

By the way, the broncos just DOMINATED the chiefs. Nope. I wasn't watching the game. I was driving in the mountains during the game play. But I DID just in fact read a status update on facebook that indicated the severity with which the broncos put the hurt on those lame Kan'sASS city Chefs.

Isn't it great? Facebook has made me realize several things that I will delve into in a series of blogs to come. These things are:

  • Individuals who are human beings like to commune and communicate with others.
  • I think that the means of communication is not so much the message.
  • Friendship can be a pretty flat, boring, but priceless discipline.
  • Friendship is more than just a "yes" or "no" question.
  • Friendship is as simple as just a "yes" or "no" question
  • Everyone wants notifications.
  • Everyone wants to go to events.
  • Everyone wants someone to write them a message.
  • People want to know about life, but sometimes they don't necessarily want to live it.
  • Friends are not a drop down menu item.
  • Facebook serves as a year-round Christmas card.
  • People want to use facebook to be funny, brag out of modesty,
  • Facebook can destroy communication and social skills
  • Facebook can serve as a catalyst of communication between strong friends.
  • Facebook isn't creepy, people are. Creepy, sinful, lost, lonely, loveable people.
  • Poking is disgusting.

I hope that the following weeks of posting are productive in my examination of facebook. Yes, I'll be raw as hell. I hope I stimulate our thinking; enough to reconsider how awesome we as people are, even when we're trapped behind our computer screen, fumbling with ways to fill out the "boxes" of our lives in a way that just might be interesting enough to hope to grab someone's (attention) (affection) (time) (communion) (friendship) (dedication) (affirmation) (assurance) (commonalities) (presence)…







Intent Never Makes a Sound!